![]() Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania |
Pastor Ezra Kasereka Makoma from Sauti ya Injili Goma in DR Congo visited Sauti ya Injili Moshi, Tanzania |
Pastor Ezra at the mixer recording studio Dada Adelle Kahindo live on air with "Salaam na nyimbo" Dada Reginne Ndamwenge, Loisse Chiza and Adelle Kahindo recording Woman program Director Ezra Kasereka showing state official arounf the studio The new Sauti Ya Injili Kongo transmitter and antenna tower reaches 200 square kilometres Studio Building office and transmission room in Goma, East Republic Democratic Congo |
Praise the LORD! In the year 1958 at the general meetiong of all Baptist Churches the meeting decided to start a radio station. The work has been started by Missionary Bill Battishill and his wife. The work continued well up to 1976 when the missionaries went back to U.S.A for retirement. The remaining Missionaries in Congo did not continue this essential work of Evangelism through the radio. Later, Congolese Pastor Ezra Kasereka wrote a project and sent it to his friends. Sucessfully,it was possible and now they own a 250 Watts FM transmitter. After 48 years the Studio Sauti ya Habari Njema got the blessings of its own FM station 89.0 FM stereo. Before that time the studio used the state transmitter to air 4 programmes per week, a total of 2.5 hours a week.
Now the station is on air for more than 72 hours per week having Gospel teaching, development , health, Tribe- Reconciliations, and Reading and writing- programmes on air. The opening of the station in the morning is at 4:45am up to 9:00 am. In the afternoon programmes are heard from 3:45 pm up to 10:00pm. Programmes are aired in 9 languages! There are also special programmes for the Pygmees in their own language. This studio serves all Christian churches. We ask all people to remember the studio in their prayers because the work is very hard with limited equipment and power interruputions as the work is still at its incipient stage. The address of the studio is: Redio Sauti ya Injili P.O.Box 7892 Kampala Uganda Tel.: (+243 ) 0813134 109 email: rsigoma@yahoo.fr Beneficary Bank: Radio Sauti ya Injili: Account No.: 5810802 Bangue Internationale de Credit sarl, Agence de Goma Nord-Kivu Republique Democratique de Kongo God bless you for all the help provided!