Why had the transmitter been silent for days? |
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On Sunday 3rd Decemba the line
voltage went up to 400 volts, and from then the radio
stayd silent. We thought it is just one of the daily power cuts but actually a portion of the cable bringing the electricity up the Kivesi mountain burnt out! But why did the cable burn? To trace the mistake we connected a light bulb in the line to limit the current. Then we could follow the power line from connection to connection and meassure, whether the mistake is still further up. We found out that the mistake must be in the last portion of the cable, and dug the cable until we found the bad portion. Quite some time ago the cable was hit by an ax or bush knife and its insulation was damaged. Now with the high voltage the cable began to burn there! When we came down in the village and switched on the radio it was audible again clearly. The children had been so glad that they started to dance!