A New Telemetry system for | Usambara Transmitter |
Wednesday March 27th, 2006 the two technicians Hergod
Mrina and Martin with Lore started to travel to the
Usambara transmitter site. No data could be received from
this station any more, since all stations are superviced
all 5 minutes for proper function. Two guests from Germany came with us to climbe the mountain as well. We got very good accomodation in the old Mission house in Mlalo and were received well by the pastor there. Since all the choir members went on a trip to Dar Es Salaam, we were by ourselfes when we started the trip up the mountain. But after a while the battery we carried became very heavy, and two women helped us to carry the load. When we arrived at the tansmitter hut we had to realize, that not the battery but either the two way radio and the radio modem was not working any more. They must have been got destroyed in a thunder storm through lightening! We replaced the two units and the transmitter had been visable at the studio again with its data ! The same evening we continued to travel to Tanga to see our next patient. Since quite a while the mains voltage could not be meassured properly. The trouble maker was a short in a plug. It had been good we checked everything, since the white ants started to eat our transmitter hut. Hopefully the antpoison will stop now further destruction. View from the Hotel in Tanga Transmitter hut in Tanga |