ELCT Press Release

Date: June 15, 2006
Press release No. 001/06/2006

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ELCT General Assembly to be held at Makumira, Arusha

The General Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT) will be held at Makumira in Arusha Region from July 10th to 13th 2006.

A Press Release issued by the ELCT Secretary General, Mr. Brighton Killewa, said, the former President Hon. Benjamin William Mkapa will make a presentation on impact and effects of privatization policy in Tanzania.

The delegates will also receive and deliberate on a four-year report to be presented by the out-going Presiding Bishop, Dr. Samson Mushemba.

The Anglican Arch Bishop Donald Mtetemela will over three days lead a Bible Study dwelling on the theme of the assembly from the Book of Nehemiah: "Come let us rebuild" (Nehemiah 2: 17-18).

Other papers to be presented include one on HIV/AIDS Control efforts in Tanzania by Dr. Amos Nyirenda from Nyakahanga District Designated Hospital in Karagwe and Dr. Lucy Nkya from Morogoro will talk about The Church and Children Living in Poor Conditions.

The ELCT General Assembly held every four years is the highest decision-making body whereby the election of the Presiding Bishop and Recording Secretary takes place.

At least 250 delegates representing 20 dioceses of ELCT and some 50 invitees are expected to attend the meeting to be held at Tumaini University campus of Makumira University College (TU-MUCo) near Arusha city.

Issued by:

Secretary General's Office, ELCT

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For more information contact:

Elizabeth Lobulu
Communication Desk Officer, ELCT
E-mail: ELobulu@elct.or.tz