ELCT Press Release
Date: July 15, 2011
Press release No. 001/07/2011

Bishop Malasusa continues for second term

Bishop Dr. Alex Gehaz Malasusa has been re-elected by the 18th Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT) to continue to serve in the position of Presiding Bishop of the Church. The ELCT Assembly was held at the Lutheran Junior Seminary in Morogoro, west of Dar es Salaam, from 13 - 15 July 2011 under the theme: "The LORD replied, 'My Presence will go with you'" from Exodus 33:14.

Issued by the:
Secretary General's Office, ELCT

Elizabeth Lobulu
Communication Coordinator,
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania
Box 3033, ARUSHA, Tanzania.
Phone: +255-27-250-8856/7
FAX: +255-27-254-8858
E-mail: Elizabeth Lobulu <ELobulu@elct.or.tz>

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For more information contact:

Elizabeth Lobulu
Communication Desk Officer, ELCT
E-mail: ELobulu@elct.or.tz