ELCT Press Release

Date: September 1, 2015
Press release No. 001/09/2015

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Reports from the 19th ELCT Assembly held in August

On 12-14 August, 2015, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania met in Assembly at Makumira University College near Arusha. Click below for documents relating to this event

Elizabeth Lobulu
Communication Coordinator,
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania
Box 3033, ARUSHA, Tanzania.
Phone: +255-27-250-8856/7
FAX: +255-27-254-8858
E-mail: Elizabeth Lobulu <ELobulu@elct.or.tz>

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For more information contact:

Elizabeth Lobulu
Communication Desk Officer, ELCT
E-mail: ELobulu@elct.or.tz