Header: Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania


The ELCT at a Glance

For diocese information, click here.


The Presiding Bishop or “Mkuu” is elected for a four-year term from amongst the Bishops of the dioceses.

Decision Making Bodies

The General Assembly of the Church meets every four years. An Executive Council consisting of

    • diocese Bishops
    • diocese Secretaries General
    • directors of Church institutions

meet three times each year, while an Executive Committee meets more frequently.

The Head Office

The three-pronged role of the ELCT Head Office is capacity building, advocacy and facilitation for the entire Church. There are at least 40 employees including supporting staff.

Under the new organisational structure that became effective in July 1998 there are four departments answerable to the Secretary General. The Secretary General’s Office has the Advocacy, Democracy and Communication Desks. Auditor General is advisor to the Executive Council. The four Departments are as follows:

Some of the Audit Division Staff

  • Mission and Evangelism
  • Finance and Administration
  • Planning and Development
  • Social Services and Women's Work.

Organizational Chart

The ELCT has several institutions serving the entire church and its units. These are:

  • The Lutheran Junior Seminary in Morogoro a secondary school up to form six; a Leadership Training department; language and Orientation course; a Production Farm and Kindergarten/Nursery School.
  • Radio Voice of Gospel, shortwave and FM, in Moshi.
  • Primary Schools for deaf children in Mwanga and Njombe.
  • Lutheran Teachers Training College in Mbeya.
  • The New Safari Hotel based in Arusha is one of the major investments-cum-income generating schemes commonly owned by the Church.
  • Tumaini University, the national univeristy of the ELCT..

©2002-2019 Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania
Corrections to or questions about this page should be sent to: elcthq@elct.or.tz



About the ELCT
ELCT at a Glance
Head Office
Guest House
Job Search
Press Releases
Related Organizations
Uhuru na Amani



Tumaini University
Other Schools

AIDS Programme
Mission & Evangelism
Sustainable Living

Disaster Response
Health Care
Social Services

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